Focused ion beams have been since several decades a flexible tool for material modifications and analysis. Micro and Nano Electronics were the first industrial environment to take advantage of direct writing capabilities of FIB. The coupling of FIB and SEM has provided a unique tool for in-situ, real time and high resolution surface modifications. Moreover, Gas Injection Systems added submicrometer deposition capabilities and enlarged the application spectra of FIB. Finally micromanipulators ended to transform these systems in real nanofactories for material science.
Recent progress in transmission electron microcopy (HREM, Holography, Electron Energy loss Spectroscopy, Dynamic Imaging...) due mainly to aberration correctors are demanding for new high quality TEM preparation with new constraints in term of thickness, point/extended defects and planarity. With new developments in this field focused Ion beams can be an answer to these new needs.